5. Other income
Many landlords also receive income from other sources, which must be considered when calculating a rental business’ profit or loss. Examples include charges relating to the use of particular services or facilities, maintenance charges, ground rents and similar. This should be recorded in the same way as rental income, with records backed up by rental statements, receipts or invoices.
Sometimes landlords will receive other additional income relating to the property. Perhaps they’ve rented it out to a film crew, or they’ve received a grant from the council. Maybe the garden is hired out to keep animals, or income has been derived from sporting rights. If this is the case, keep records of this income too, along with documentation which supports it.
Again, this is where Pandle, and especially Pandle Projects, can be extremely useful for keeping everything in one place. Pandle Notes also allows you to make general notes as well as to attach notes to specific invoices, transactions, bank accounts etc. Complete organisation and control!