Banks accounts are available virtually anywhere, including online bank accounts.
International-friendly business accounts are better for those who live or work in more than one country, or regularly work with overseas businesses.
You can receive and send payments in virtually any currency.
Although currency fluctuations are a disadvantage in international work, some banks offer cross-border accounting services where currency prices remain much more stable.
Rather than dealing with multiple banks in different countries, some providers allow you to channel multiple currencies through just one bank.
Those living in countries suffering financial or political instability might find it safer to put their money in an overseas account where it’s less at risk.
If you’re relocating to a different country, setting up your account in advance saves you the hassle of sorting things out on arrival.
International bank accounts may enable you to take advantage of various financing options available in other countries.
Funds can be dispersed amongst banks in different countries, which can be useful if you have staff or other operations overseas.