Pandle Update Invoice Write Offs_article

Pandle Update: Invoice Write-Offs

Sometimes in business the customer just isn’t going to pay an invoice. They might have gone out of business, or it could be because of a disagreement. Whatever the reason, an overdue invoice sitting on the ledger gives the impression that more money is expected to hit the bank than will actually arrive. This makes…

Pandle Update Improving our Invoicing Processes

Pandle Update: Improving our Invoicing Processes

Creating invoices from the Customers or Suppliers tabs We know that managing cash flow is essential for any business. A big part of that means keeping the customer and supplier invoices up to date. So, to help, we’ve released an update which makes the invoicing process in Pandle even easier. Pandle users can now create…

feature update - remove pandle logo

Latest Update: Remove Pandle Logo from Invoices

Don’t worry if you’re feeling a little downhearted that the Bank Holiday weekend is over. There’s another on its way in just a few weeks, and we’re here to cheer you up with a handy new feature we’ve added to Pandle. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin. Once upon a time there was…

small claims court

Is it Worth Going to Small Claims Court for Unpaid Invoices?

There will come a time in your business life when you have invoices owed to you that remain unpaid. For small businesses this is a tough predicament, likely eating into your income. The small claims court process is designed to help people in exactly this situation.   Consider your first steps   However, before you…