Setting Up a Staff Expenses Policy (1)

Setting Up a Staff Expenses Policy

If you’ve seen The Wolf of Wall Street, you’ll have a good idea of where the inspiration for this advice article came from. The film revolves around a young stockbroker who enters the industry with absolutely nothing in his back pocket but the lining of his trousers. Fast forward half an hour, and he’s living…

Are There Any Restrictions On Claiming Business Expenses?

How Do I Record My Business Expenses?

Knowing what you can and can’t claim as a business expense is vital for your business, but not always that clear cut. So, to help people see the wood for the trees we thought it would be a good idea to look at some of the more common issues business owners have with calculating and…

Travel Expenses

Can Small Business Owners Claim Meals And Travel Expenses?

When you are growing your business, every penny counts. Learning what you can and can’t claim as expenses on your taxes is essential, as this will not only save money but will also ensure that you don’t fall afoul of the HMRC at the end of the year. To ensure you don’t lose out and…

Can Freelancers Claim Rent On Their Taxes?

As a freelancer, it can be difficult to know what you can claim as a business expense and what is considered a private cost. When it comes to working from home, this can be especially tricky and hard to navigate….