New research issued by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has shown that the country’s SMEs are struggling to protect the very identity and original ideas at the epicentre of their enterprises. Intellectual property (IP) is being jeopardised at the hands of idea poaching, brand replication and copyright infringement but it’s time small business owners took some action!
It seems small business owners today are choosing to pump their precious (and often limited) cash supply into areas such as research and business development, which means IP precautions seem to have taken a back seat. Technology is making it ever easier to access confidential records and private documents, meaning virtual thieves and oblivious offenders alike are becoming more of a prominent threat.
However, even those who do invest time and money into attaining protective IP rights are falling victim to a worrying number of violations and infringements, the new study suggests. Patents, trademarks, branding and product design are coming under fire and the FSB is calling for more to be done about it.