How Do I Take My Business from Traditional to Digital?

By Karl Bilby

21 August 2018


3 mins

Whether you like it or not, there’s no denying the fact that technology is transforming the world we work and play in. We have apps to help us wake up more gently in the morning, we use at least three different devices every working day and a high percentage of our social lives now take place via our smartphones and laptops.

It’s time to face the fact that we’re being taken over by technology as we continue further into an era of digitalisation.
For some people this is a daunting prospect, for others it makes for an exciting time to be alive – whatever your personal stance though, you can’t argue against the many benefits of digitalisation for modern start-ups and businesses.

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at some of its main advantages but first…

What is digitalisation?

In a nutshell, digitalisation is the movement of traditional processes into innovative digital systems and new technologies.
In general, its prominent aims are to facilitate more effective, streamline operations and evolve the way we do business today to provide new services, cut costs, improve data security and boost efforts towards a more eco-conscious world.

The benefits of digitalisation:

So, what can digitalisation offer for your start-up, small business or large enterprise?

Elimination of human error – Digitalising processes negates the need for as many human hands.
While this is causing quite a stir in the media right now over concerns that a majority of our jobs will be replaced by robots in the not-so-distant future, it’s great news for accuracy, precision and quality of output.

Reduction of spending – When more processes and systems are based within the digital realm, it means you can cut crucial costs on things like printing.

Paper, inks, toners and machines can have a significant impact on budgets depending on the nature of your business but adapting to new digital resources such as cloud-based document storage and managed print solutions will significantly reduce the need for this.

Improved communication – Implementing digital processes within the workplace is a great way to improve and streamline communication internally but also with external clients, customers and partners.

Communication is key to the success of any business and digitalisation is instrumental in ensuring you have this well covered.

More secure document storage – As well as making the performance of day-to-day operations more efficient and reliable, digitalisation of processes also enables businesses to take advantage of more secure data storage and document management.

Workflows are more meticulously monitored and stricter rules around access and permission means confidentially is never compromised.

Advantage over the competition – Last but not least, getting on board with digitalisation means you stay ahead of the competition. Utilising digital processes and offering the innovations it allows to your customers will position you as a progressive business they want to work with.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can transfer the benefits of digitalisation into your financial processes, check out our cloud-based bookkeeping software, Pandle.

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