Helping Clients Get to Grips with Cloud Accounting

As an accountant, we’d bet that a fair chunk of your time is dedicated solely to helping your clients understand cloud accounting.

While helping clients is many accountants’ number one priority, it also leaves a lot less time for, you know, actually completing accounts. To help you out, we’ve collected a list of all the ways you can offer your clients a helping hand while they try to get their heads around cloud accounting – without taking up your entire day.

Get prepared with these ideas and you can give clients the best possible help, while saving yourself precious time.

Cloud accounting guides

Nip the cloud accounting questions in the bud by beating them to it with the answers. Helpful guides and information packs will provide your clients with all the information they need to know – and it will keep them off the phone for a little bit longer!

Invest in the help of a freelance copywriter to aid you in creating a comprehensive guide on all the questions you get asked on a regular basis.

Over the phone support

Now, we know what you’re thinking: ‘Over the phone support was exactly what lost us so much time and money in the first place!’ Hold your horses, because phone support is exactly what will get your time back.

While 24/7 phone support for your clients may not be ideal for accountants with deadlines to manage and accounts to complete, that doesn’t mean you should stop giving phone support completely.

Allocate a short amount of time during the week where you’re able to contact clients who need assistance. Explain that there are limited times you’re available for phone support and draw clients’ attention to the support guides if they’re still struggling.

Real time updates

One of the easiest ways to learn about a new system is to have someone talk it through with you. Most cloud accounting platforms (Pandle included) offer the option for real time updates. This means both you and the client can log into the software and work simultaneously on their accounts.

Doing a short demonstration while your client is also using Pandle can be a lot quicker and easier to understand than attempting to explain where on the user interface a certain button is. Take a short time out of your schedule for a real time tutorial and your clients will be grateful.

Information on MTD

Many accountants will have put teaching their clients about Making Tax Digital (MTD) on the backburner. Since the news of the delay on MTD for small businesses, it is no longer a priority.

While it may have been delayed, you should still keep your clients informed on what’s to come from MTD so they’re prepared for its arrival. This will save you time in the long term, as when it does come into effect, you’ll have to sacrifice a lot more time to those clients who are unprepared.

Provide as much information as you can and educate your clients early on. Future you will thank you!

Software support

Don’t forget that accountants don’t have to be the main hub of support for clients. While you are a fountain of knowledge that every clients wants a piece of, there could be a better source of information out there for your clients’ needs.

Cloud accounting software support should be the go-to place for your clients when they’re experiencing a technical issue with the software. Before you go with a cloud accounting software, look into what kind of support they offer for clients, and if it will be enough for your needs.

What methods do you use for helping your clients understand cloud accounting? Feel free to share any useful resources in the comments below!

Beth Jackson

AAT Level 3 qualified, I’ve worked in the finance sector since 2017. When I'm not in Pandle HQ, you'll find me hiking and playing the drums.

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